
class HartreePotential(configuration, density_mesh_cutoff=None)

A class for calculating the Hartree potential for a configuration.


A new grid containing the absolute values (or modulus) of the current field.

Return type:


axisProjection(projection_type='sum', axis='c', spin=None, projection_point=None, coordinate_type=<class 'NL.ComputerScienceUtilities.NLFlag._NLFlag.Fractional'>)

Get the values projected on one of the grid axes.

  • projection_type (str) –

    The type of projection to perform. Should be either
    • ’sum’ for the sum over the plane spanned by the two other axes.

    • ’average’ or ‘avg’ for the average value over the plane spanned by the two other axes.

    • ’line’ for the value along a line parallel to the axis and through a point specified by the projection_point parameter.

    Default: ‘sum’

  • axis (str) – The axis to project the data onto. Should be either ‘a’, ‘b’ or ‘c’.
    Default: ‘c’

  • spin (Spin.Sum | Spin.Z | Spin.X | Spin.Y | Spin.Up | Spin.Down | Spin.RealUpDown | Spin.ImagUpDown) – Which spin component to project on.
    Default: Spin.All

  • projection_point (sequence, PhysicalQuantity) – Axis coordinates of the point through which to take a line if projection_type is ‘projection_point’. Must be given as a sequence of three coordinates [a, b, c]. It the numbers have units of length, they are first divided by the length of the respective primitive vectors [A, B, C], and then interpreted as fractional coordinates. Unitless coordinates are immidiately interpreted as fractional.

  • coordinate_type (Fractional | Cartesian) – Flag to toggle if the returned axis values should be given in units of Angstrom (NLFlag.Cartesian) or in units of the norm of the axis primitive vector (NLFlag.Fractional).
    Default: Fractional


A 2-tuple of 1D numpy.arrays containing the axis values and the projected data. For Cartesian coordinate type the grid offset is added to the axis values.

Return type:


derivatives(x, y, z, spin=None)

Calculate the derivative in the point (x, y, z).

  • x (PhysicalQuantity with type length) – The Cartesian x coordinate.

  • y (PhysicalQuantity with type length) – The Cartesian y coordinate.

  • z (PhysicalQuantity with type length) – The Cartesian z coordinate.

  • spin (Spin.All | Spin.Sum | Spin.Up | Spin.Down | Spin.X | Spin.Y | Spin.Z) – The spin component to project on.
    Default: Spin.All


The gradient at the specified point for the given spin. For Spin.All, a tuple with (Spin.Sum, Spin.X, Spin.Y, Spin.Z) components is returned.

Return type:

PhysicalQuantity of type energy × length-1

downsample(downsampling_a=None, downsampling_b=None, downsampling_c=None)

Generate a new GridValues object where the grid is downsampled. Along periodic directions an FFT downsampling is performed. Along non-periodic directions antialiasing and downsampling is performed.

  • downsampling_a (int) – The new number of grid points along the A direction.
    Default: No downsampling.

  • downsampling_b (int) – The new number of grid points along the B direction.
    Default: No downsampling.

  • downsampling_c (int) – The new number of grid points along the C direction.
    Default: No downsampling.

evaluate(x, y, z, spin=None)

Evaluate in the point (x, y, z).

  • x (PhysicalQuantity with type length) – The Cartesian x coordinate.

  • y (PhysicalQuantity with type length) – The Cartesian y coordinate.

  • z (PhysicalQuantity with type length) – The Cartesian z coordinate.

  • spin (Spin.All | Spin.Sum | Spin.Up | Spin.Down | Spin.X | Spin.Y | Spin.Z) – The spin component to project on.
    Default: Spin.All


The value at the specified point for the given spin. For Spin.All, a tuple with (Spin.Sum, Spin.X, Spin.Y, Spin.Z) components is returned.

Return type:

PhysicalQuantity of type energy

gridCoordinate(i, j, k)

Return the coordinate for a given grid index.

  • i (int) – The grid index in the A direction.

  • j (int) – The grid index in the B direction.

  • k (int) – The grid index in the C direction.


The Cartesian coordinate of the given grid index.

Return type:

PhysicalQuantity of type length.


The metatext of the object or None if no metatext is present.

Return type:

str | None


Print a string containing an ASCII table useful for plotting the AnalysisSpin object.


stream (python stream) – The stream the table should be written to.
Default: NLPrintLogger()


The primitive vectors of the grid.

Return type:

PhysicalQuantity of type length.


Scale the field with a float.


scale (float) – The parameter to scale with.


Set a given metatext string on the object.


metatext (str | None) – The metatext string that should be set. A value of “None” can be given to remove the current metatext.


The number of grid points in each direction.

Return type:

tuple of three int.


The spin the Hartree potential is calculated for, always Spin.All.

Return type:



Construct a new GridValues object with the values of this object projected on a given spin component.


spin (Spin.All | Spin.Sum | Spin.X | Spin.Y | Spin.Z) – The spin component to project on.
Default: Spin.All


A new GridValues object for the specified spin.

Return type:



The values of the grid as a numpy array slicing off any units.

Return type:



Return a unique string representing the state of the object.


The unit of the data in the grid.

Return type:

A physical unit.


The unit cell of the grid.

Return type:

PhysicalQuantity of type length.


The volume element of the grid represented by three vectors.

Return type:

PhysicalQuantity of type length.

Usage Examples

Calculate the Hartree potential and save it to a file:

# Set up a configuration.
molecule_configuration = MoleculeConfiguration(
    elements=[Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Hydrogen, Hydrogen],
    cartesian_coordinates=[[ 0.     ,  0.      ,  0.124001],
                           [ 0.     ,  0.941173, -0.289336],
                           [ 0.81508, -0.470587, -0.289336],
                           [-0.81508, -0.470587, -0.289336]]*Angstrom

# Define a calculator.
calculator = LCAOCalculator()

# Calculate and save the Hartree potential.
potential = HartreePotential(molecule_configuration)
nlsave('hartree_pot.nc', potential)


Read in the Hartree potential from a file and calculate the average along the \(z\)-axis:

# Import a HartreePotential object.
potential = nlread('hartree_pot.hdf5', HartreePotential)[0]

# Calculate the average along z axis.
v_z = numpy.apply_over_axes(numpy.mean, potential[:,:,:], [0,1]).flatten()

# Add unit.
v_z = v_z * potential.unit()

# Get the volume element of the grid.
dX, dY, dZ = potential.volumeElement()
dz = dZ.norm()

# Print out the result.
shape = potential.shape()
for i in range(shape[2]):
    print(dz*i, v_z[i])


For more examples on working with 3D grids, see ElectronDensity.


The Hartree potential and the electrostatic potential

  • The Hartree potential \(V_H ({\bf r})\) is calculated from the Poisson equation as

    \[\nabla^2 V_H [n] ({\bf r}) = -\frac{e^2}{4 \pi \epsilon_0} n({\bf r}),\]

    where \(n ({\bf r})\) is the valence electron density, \(e\) is the unit charge, and \(\epsilon_0\) is the vacuum permittivity. More details on solving this equation are given in Poisson solvers.

  • In a similar fashion, the Hartree difference potential is calculated from the electron difference density as

    \[\nabla^2 \delta V_H [\delta n] ({\bf r}) = -\frac{e^2}{4 \pi \epsilon_0} \delta n({\bf r}),\]

    with the electron difference density \(\delta n ({\bf r})\) being defined through the relation

    \[n ({\bf r}) = \delta n ({\bf r}) + \sum_{I}^{N_{\mathrm{atoms}}} n_I ({\bf r}),\]

    where \(n_I({\bf r})\) is the compensation charge of atom \(I\) and \(N_{\mathrm{atoms}}\) is the number of atoms in the system.:footcite:Soler2002

Note that the electron density and electron difference density are calculated differently for DFT: LCAO calculators (see Electron density) and Semi Empirical calculators (see Electron density).

  • The electrostatic potential is given by

    \[V_{\bf E} ({\bf r}) = -\frac{V_H ({\bf r})}{e},\]

    and the electrostatic difference potential by

    \[\delta V_{\bf E} ({\bf r})= -\frac{\delta V_H ({\bf r})}{e}.\]

Note that the Hartree potential and Hartree difference potential have units of energy (default: Hartree), while the electrostatic potential and electrostatic difference potential have units of electric potential (default: Volt). Furthermore, they are of opposite sign since \(V_H ({\bf r})\) is the potential energy that an electron (i.e., a negative unit charge) has in an electrostatic potential \(V_{\bf E} ({\bf r})\).

The quantities defined above can be calculated with the following classes: