How to Train a Moment Tensor Potential in QuantumATK

Version: U-2022.12

In this basic tutorial, you will learn how to train a moment tensor potential (MTP), a machine-learned forcefield (MLFF) typically used in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, using the Workflow Builder tool in QuantumATK quantumatk_icon_icon. MLFFs are trained to predict ab initio potential energy surfaces and vastly improves the accuracy of classical MD simulations while keeping the computational cost at the level of empirical forcefields. At the end of this tutorial, you will be familiar with the basics of training MTPs for bulk materials (e.g. HfO2 ) in QuantumATK.



Procedure For Bulk HfO2 MTP Training

The procedure we will follow is listed here:

  1. Choose reference unit cells describing different phases of HfO2 .

  2. Use built-in QuantumATK functionality to generate repeated and rattled configurations from the unit cells to use as reference configurations. We will generate reference structures of crystal HfO2 using the crystalTrainingRandomDisplacements protocol.

  3. Compute reference data which includes energy, forces and stresses for each of the reference configurations using a chosen DFT reference calculator.

  4. Split the reference data set into training set and test set.

  5. Train many MTPs by fitting their parameters to the training set data by minimizing the error (energy, forces and stresses) with respect to the reference calculator.

  6. Test the trained MTPs by applying them to the test set configurations and compute the error with respect to the reference calculator.

  7. Choose the MTP that gives lower and comparable root mean squared error values for both the training and the test set.

The corresponding workflow will be set up using the qatkicon-nl-workflow Workflow Builder in the NanoLab GUI of QuantumATK.

Before creating the workflow, download the bulk geometries of different phases of HfO2 (cubic, monoclinic and orthorhombic) using the Materials Project database plugin in the NanoLab and store them on Builder stash. Alternatively, download this stash file (Builder_Stash.hdf5) to the new project folder and open the qatkicon-nl-builder Builder tool to visualize the geometries. Notice that the configurations are already named after their phases such as “cubic”, “monoclinic” and “orthorhombic”.

Create Workflow

  1. Select any HfO2 configuration in qatkicon-nl-builder Builder stash. This configuration is needed only to extract the element information for the calculator setup, therefore it can be any configuration containing Hf and O atoms.

  2. Click on the sendto_icon icon and send the bulk configuration to the qatkicon-nl-workflow Workflow Builder. Right-click on the added configuration in the Build panel and rename the configuration to HfO2.

  3. In the qatkicon-nl-workflow Workflow Builder, change the output Filename at the bottom of the Build panel to MTP_basics_results.hdf5.

  4. From the QuantumATK tab on the right hand panel, expand the qatkicon-nl-builder Auxiliary section and drag-and-drop the qatkicon-scripter-configurationlist ConfigurationList block to the workflow and double-click to open its editor window. Press the qatkicon-add and select the three HfO2 bulk phase geometries from the Builder stash. The ConfigurationList window should look like the below image before closing the window.

  1. From the QuantumATK tab on the right hand panel, expand the qatkicon-scripter-calculator Calculators section and drag-drop the LCAOCalculator block to the workflow. The DFT calculator settings must be adjusted for the material under study. For this tutorial, we will use the default settings and no modification is necessary.

  2. From the QuantumATK tab on the right hand panel, expand the qatkicon-scripter-mtpobject Moment Tensor Potential section and

    • Drag-drop the qatkicon-scripter-crystalmtp CrystalTrainingRandomDisplacements block to the workflow. Double-click the block and set system sizes to 50 so that a minimum of 50 atoms will be present in the repeated geometries. All other parameters can have the default values as shown below. Make sure the edits are saved by pressing enter (the qatkicon-reset button will be lit next to the edited parameter values indicating a saved state) before closing the window.

    • Drag-drop the qatkicon-scripter-mtp ScanOverNonLinearCoefficients block to the workflow. Double-click the block in the workflow and set Basis size to 500 and a outer cutoff radii of 5 Angstrom. All other parameters can have the default values as shown below. A total of 30 MTPs will be generated using randomly generated initial coefficients. Do not forget to press enter before closing the window to ensure all edits are saved.

    • Drag-drop the qatkicon-scripter-mtp MomentTensorPotentialTraining block with default settings.

  3. From the QuantumATK tab on the right hand panel, expand the qatkicon-scripter-calculator-algorithm Algorithm Blocks section and drag-drop a qatkicon-scripter-snippet custom block to the workflow. Rename it to Find Best Fit, double-click the block and copy-paste the lines from the attached file into the script tab and click the “save” button. The custom block should look like the below image before closing.


After the training has concluded, the fits are ranked by calling the rankFits() method on the MomentTensorPotentialTraining instance. By default the r2 score between reference data and predicted data is used for ranking. This custom code goes through the 30 MTPs and finds the MTP with the lowest and comparable training and test set r2 score with respect to the reference calculator. Accuracy report of the 30 MTPs are printed to the log file along with the best MTP filename. We will look at the results further below.

Now the workflow is complete and it should look like the below image


You can also download the workflow MTP_tutorial_basic.hdf5 to the workflows folder of the project and open it in the Workflow Builder.

Export the workflow as script using the sendto_icon icon and send it to the Jobs tool and submit it. Since a DFT calculator is used, this calculation took around 9h 35m on 20 MPI cores.


Select the tutorial folder in the Data Tool and you will find the following files:

  • mtp_training_fit_{0,...,29}_fit.log - contain the accuracy report for the 30 MTPs that were trained.

  • mtp_training_{Hf,O}.log - contain the atomic reference energy calculation using the reference calculator.

  • {0,...,29}_fit.mtp - are the 30 fitted MTPs. These are encrypted files containing the coefficients required to construct the basic set for descriptor calculation and the linear fitting parameters for inference.

  • MTP_basics_results.hdf5 - contain the MomentTensorPotentialTraining object which includes the reference dataset. It can be opened with the Movie Tool to reveal the geometries and their energies, forces and stresses.

  • MTP_basics_results.log - is the main log file and the best fit is printed at the end of this file.

We use random numbers to initialize the coefficients for the MTP training, rattling the configurations and training-test set splitting. Therefore, reproducibility of the results to the numerical accuracy is only ensured if you use the same random seed while re-running the script. Random numbers are your friend while training MLFFs since the configuration space to sample the geometries and the hyper-parameter space of the MTP coefficients are often much too big to make use of grid based searches. Many different sets of MTP parameters could result in similar results as there could be many degenerate minima in the hyper-parameter surface. So, it is not a cause for concern if you get different sets of MTP fitting parameters with similar accuracy.


The MTP generated using this workflow can accurately predict the energetics of geometries similar to the reference configurations, but it will fail to describe non-similar geometries. For that, active learning is needed, please see our tutorial on this topic: Generating A Moment Tensor Potential for HfO2 Using Active Learning

Opening the log file of the best fit, e.g. mtp_training_fit_1.log in the Data Tool, reveals the following information:

|                                                                              |
| Task FitMomentTensorPotential [Started Tue Jan  3 21:19:02 2023]             |
|                                                                              |
| fitting error:                                                               |
|     energy:                                                                  |
|         mean absolute error: 0.07477469208922793                             |
|         mean squared error: 0.013199517989078                                |
|         root mean square error: 0.1148891552283243                           |
|         maximum absolute error: 0.5262835045068641                           |
|         median absolute error: 0.040108389945089584                          |
|         standard deviation: 0.11488915522832431                              |
|         variance: 0.013199517989078                                          |
|     forces:                                                                  |
|         mean absolute error: 0.10306716480208633                             |
|         mean squared error: 0.022906967522765696                             |
|         root mean square error: 0.1513504790965846                           |
|         maximum absolute error: 1.1690371492046867                           |
|         median absolute error: 0.0682895880512062                            |
|         standard deviation: 0.15135047907573454                              |
|         variance: 0.022906967516454362                                       |
|     stress:                                                                  |
|         mean absolute error: 0.004365365688971586                            |
|         mean squared error: 5.343125066189659e-05                            |
|         root mean square error: 0.007309668300401639                         |
|         maximum absolute error: 0.03508444345429798                          |
|         median absolute error: 0.0015038598584613903                         |
|         standard deviation: 0.006905206535375291                             |
|         variance: 4.768187729618962e-05                                      |
| regularization: 0.001                                                        |
|                                                                              |
| Task FitMomentTensorPotential [Finished Tue Jan  3 21:19:23 2023]            |
|                                                                              |

The above log file lists the accuracy of MTP in terms of prediction errors when compared to the reference calculator. They are listed for energy, forces and stress. For each of them, the distribution of the errors including its range (min, max), mean, mean squared value, root mean squared value, standard deviation and variance are listed. Note that for energies, the error is listed in eV per structure. The force errors are given in eV/Angstrom and the stress errors are given in eV/Angstrom3 .

To get an overview of the accuracy report of all 30 MTPs, take a look at the bottom of the main log file MTP_basics_results.log to find the table below. Please note that only a few selected lines from the file are shown here.

| Moment Tensor Potential Training Report                                      |
| RMSE (training):                                                             |
|                                                                              |
| Index             Filename     Energy/atom           Force          Stress   |
|                                       (eV)          (eV/Å)        (eV/Å^3)   |
|     0            0_fit.mtp    0.0028585778    0.1791727688    0.0121666313   |
|     1            1_fit.mtp    0.0031880065    0.1789248914    0.0089993819   |
|     2            2_fit.mtp    0.0034210373    0.1727509155    0.0116840178   |
|    19           19_fit.mtp    0.0023482618    0.1513504791    0.0073096683   |
|    28           28_fit.mtp    0.0045982846    0.2725017935    0.0142426258   |
|    29           29_fit.mtp    0.0032051499    0.1893583455    0.0097620363   |
| RMSE (testing):                                                              |
|                                                                              |
| Index             Filename     Energy/atom           Force          Stress   |
|                                       (eV)          (eV/Å)        (eV/Å^3)   |
|     0            0_fit.mtp    0.0032278151    0.1710122149    0.0120115590   |
|     1            1_fit.mtp    0.0039635338    0.1727359298    0.0090392157   |
|     2            2_fit.mtp    0.0025221608    0.1611050877    0.0112292069   |
|    19           19_fit.mtp    0.0018212650    0.1487881743    0.0066584542   |
|    28           28_fit.mtp    0.0058463322    0.2555467061    0.0142605236   |
|    29           29_fit.mtp    0.0022653063    0.1804519035    0.0089915593   |
| r^2 (training):                                                              |
|                                                                              |
| Index             Filename     Energy/atom           Force          Stress   |
|     0            0_fit.mtp    0.9997630055    0.9933546725    0.8905795910   |
|     1            1_fit.mtp    0.9997052346    0.9933730468    0.9401336198   |
|     2            2_fit.mtp    0.9996605672    0.9938224952    0.8990881765   |
|    19           19_fit.mtp    0.9998400695    0.9952582355    0.9605040125   |
|    28           28_fit.mtp    0.9993867608    0.9846286820    0.8500530052   |
|    29           29_fit.mtp    0.9997020558    0.9925776526    0.9295568979   |
| r^2 (testing):                                                               |
|                                                                              |
| Index             Filename     Energy/atom           Force          Stress   |
|     0            0_fit.mtp    0.9996299880    0.9925899380    0.8529427566   |
|     1            1_fit.mtp    0.9994420907    0.9924398060    0.9167183803   |
|     2            2_fit.mtp    0.9997740856    0.9934236323    0.8714755267   |
|    19           19_fit.mtp    0.9998822002    0.9943907550    0.9548108170   |
|    28           28_fit.mtp    0.9987861489    0.9834534235    0.7927194246   |
|    29           29_fit.mtp    0.9998177564    0.9917493054    0.9175942168   |

In this report, you find specifically the energy, forces and stress RMSEs of the training and test sets produced by the 30 MTPs (only a few are shown above). Note that the energy error in this report is listed per atom as opposed to the per structure values given in the individual log files. Additionally r2 values, coefficient of determination, are also reported. These values indicate how good is the MTP in predicting the trained properties in the dataset, the larger the better. We can see that most of the trained MTPs have an r2 value of over 0.999 indicating that they are all very accurate within the configurational space sampled in the training data set.

The above report can also be obtained in NanoLab on demand by opening the MomentTensorPotentialTraining object from MTP_basics_results.hdf5 in the Editor or in Text Representation.

The best MTP fit is also mentioned at the end of the log file MTP_basics_results.log as

19_fit.mtp is the best fit

You can also plot the error distribution of any MTP from the list of 30 MTPs. To do that, open a terminal, navigate to the tutorial folder containing MTP_basics_results.hdf5 and type


to open the atkpython console. Now, enter the following commands


The value of fit_index can be changed to plot the results of the desired MTP (0 - 29). A plot example is shown below:


The above scatter plot compares the MTP predicted data (y-axis) and reference DFT data (x-axis). The energy, forces and stress values are compared for both training and test sets. The data points for energy and forces (training and test sets) lie along the 45 degree line indicating a high accuracy of prediction. The data points in the stress plot appear to be scattered away from the 45 degree line, however, this is mainly due to the small range of values of the stress tensor components and the error values are very low. Thus, the stress prediction is also very accurate.


You have now trained your first MLFF, an MTP, to describe crystalline HfO2 using NanoLab GUI tools in QuantumATK. We used a random displacements protocol to repeat and rattle unitcells of different HfO2 phases and used those for training. The MTP generated in this tutorial need to be further improved using the active learning approach (refer to our tutorial Generating A Moment Tensor Potential for HfO2 Using Active Learning) before deploying in the production simulation.


There are many other protocols to add training data in QuantumATK as mentioned in the manual (link: MTP manual page) with all of them accessible via scripting. Find links for some of these protocols below.